
Hi! You are in the Chub Art Blog.
I'm an artist from Brazil. I intend show you my art creations and my ideas in this blog. I believe is easier for you understand me if a write in English, but English is not my original language and I'm no fluently in this language. So, my apologises if I make mistakes in the sentences.

30 June 2009

"Mulheres na África"

oil on canvas
100 cm x 80 cm

Da série "povos", esta é minha pintura preferida em relação as demais. Atualmente está em exposição na Usina de Gasômetro, em Porto Alegre-RS, até o final do mês de julho.
From the "povos" series, this is the paint which I prefer than the others. At the moment it is in exposition at Usina do Gasômetro, in Porto Alegre-RS, until the end of July.

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