
Hi! You are in the Chub Art Blog.
I'm an artist from Brazil. I intend show you my art creations and my ideas in this blog. I believe is easier for you understand me if a write in English, but English is not my original language and I'm no fluently in this language. So, my apologises if I make mistakes in the sentences.

19 July 2009

"Nos Andes"

100 cm x 80 cm
óleo sobre tela
oil on canvas
Esta pintura fez parte do meu projeto de graduação 'Povos: as cores do meu olhar' e foi exposta na Pinacoteca do Instituto de Artes da UFRGS na exposição "Uniarte 2009 Artes Visuais Projetos de graduação" em junho deste ano. Doei esta obra ao meu professor orientador, Rodrigo Nuñes, em agradecimento pela ajuda que me deu.
This paint was part of 'Povos: as cores do meu olhar', my graduation project, and was exposed in the Pinacoteca do Instituto de Artes da UFRGS at the exposition "Uniarte 2009 Artes Visuais Projetos de graduação", in June this year. I gift this work to professor Rodrigo Nuñes, who oriented me, as a sign of my gratefulness by his help.

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